by yishe4_2h1zxg | Aug 12, 2022 | blog
Monitor multiple cameras on the your phone! Dinsafer released the latest App Version for Helio Pro system. The best feature available on Helio Pro is the ability to monitor 4 different cameras all at the same time! It connects to IP cameras and broadcasts the videos...
by yishe4_2h1zxg | Jan 18, 2021 | blog
GDPR Compliance What is GDPR? General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable as of May 25th, 2018 in all member states to harmonize data privacy laws across Europe. This Regulation lays down rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to...
by yishe4_2h1zxg | Mar 5, 2020 | blog
How to set up alarm push notifications on Android? How to set up alarm push notifications on Android? Nova Pro is a wireless alarm system that protects against intrusions, fires, and floods, and also enables users to control electrical appliances directly from mobile...
by JOY | Aug 7, 2019 | blog
Utter protection over signal communication and data in place On March 25, 2019, a security vulnerability from the product of a world well-known security manufacturer was reported. According to the report, due to its unencrypted signal communication and predictability...
by yishe4_2h1zxg | Jun 1, 2019 | blog
Frustrated in OEM project translation? With DinsafeR, you don’t have to As a manufacturer, we heard of lots of complaints about how frustrating the translation process can be. Especially, if your business covers multiple countries, the translation work load...
by yishe4_2h1zxg | Jun 18, 2018 | blog
5 Tips on installation of PIR motion sensors If you are a pet-owner, when considering home alarm system, you will commonly be advised to buy IR motion sensors with a pet-immune feature, which in theory is designed to detect intrusions while avoiding false alarms...